Friday, May 15, 2020

News From Jane - CSSD Ashore & Afloat

Hi Everyone,

I hope you and your families are safe and well.

As you probably know, Challenged Sailors San Diego had to pause our sailing operations for a while due to Covid-19. Although we can’t get back out on the water yet, there are many opportunities to stay connected to the sailing community, at least online. Here are some suggestions of webinars, videos, and websites that you might find informative, challenging, and just plain fun. I hope you enjoy them!

Our Challenged Sailors San Diego website is a great resource.
On this website, you can find the latest news about our organization, a link to the CSSD Facebook page, links to several of the webinars and online events showcasing sailing, photo galleries of past sailing events and regattas, and a fabulous training and education page. The training and education page includes charts of San Diego Bay (you can see where all the shallow places in the bay are!), sailing manuals designed to teach you how to sail a Martin, videos about how to rig and sail a Martin (done by Don Martin, who was the original designer of our boats), videos of how to tie knots, and the Racing Rules of Sailing. Feel free to spend time exploring the website. I think you’ll be surprised at how much information is there!

The US Sailing website is also very informative.
It’s usually a good resource for all types of sailing information and classes. Unfortunately, due to social distancing requirements, all classes have gone online or are postponed. They do have a page with great videos on maintaining and servicing inflatable life jackets (for those of you who have them).

US Sailing is also doing an excellent job of producing a sailing video EVERY DAY to help us maintain our connection to this wonderful sport. These videos are all accessible on the
Starboard Portal website
I highly recommend that you check this website out. It has videos on sailing skills, racing tactics, safety, environmental lessons, STEM lessons, Olympic dreams, sailing fitness, long distance sailing…the list goes on. There’s enough variety that I know you’ll find something to interest you. Be sure to click the arrow buttons on each side of the page, because there are more videos win each category than originally appear.

Ullman Sails San Diego has produced several excellent free webinar videos about a variety of topics.
The topics include sail trim, sailing at night, sailing to Mexico, race starts, and many more. I hope you check them out.

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is posting videos of their weekly webinar on the Racing Rules of Sailing.
 If you want to race, or are currently a racer that is looking to get a better understanding of the racing rules, this is a great resource. They have already done 3 webinars, which appear about halfway down the page. Just look for the “Racing Rules” section. There will be 6 videos in total when the series is finished.

For those of you who think that sailing with an asymmetrical spinnaker might be exciting, this is an excellent video showing how it is done on a small boat.
Because of the set-up of the Martins, although the jobs of our helms person and crew would be the same, our helms person sits in the front seat, and our crew (companion) sits in the back.

These last two videos are just for fun...

If you’re looking for an adrenaline rush, check out this video

If you’re looking for a sweet, gentle sail, this is a good video

I hope this list has given you some inspiration. I’m thinking of you all.

Best wishes,

Jane Dunn

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