Thursday, May 26, 2022

Adaptive Sports Fair - June 4 10AM-3PM Mission Bay Park

Challenged Sailors will have a booth at the San Diego City Recreation Services Adaptive Sports Fair on June 4 from 10AM - 3PM.  Come visit us!

We need volunteers, a Martin 16 on a trailer, table, cabana, tri-folds, banner, event stuff.

Contact Dan Willan if you are able to help.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

All-Hands Meeting May 14 10:00-10:45 @ Sunroad/Safe Harbor

An All-Hands Meeting has been scheduled for May 14, 10:00-10:45 @ Sunroad/Safe Harbor. This is open to all CSSD Sailors, Companions, and Volunteers. It is intended to provide a forum for all to get some updated information about Challenged Sailors from Board members and a chance to ask questions and make recommendations. This is a day full of events - PVA sailing, All-Hands Meeting, and PLYC Bob Kearns Memorial Race - so please be on time.