PLEASE DONATE NOW - WWW.CHALLENGEDSAILORS.ORG @GivingTuesday, the year's coolest day to donate, is November 30th! Help Challenged Sailors in raising $25,000 to fund therapeutic and recreational sailing programs, operations and maintenance for our wonderful challenged sailors and supportive volunteers for the next year. Put a few $ aside right now so you can join our movement and encourage your friends to chip in as well.
Paypal Donation Link:
#GivingTuesday #adaptivesailing #sailingsandiegobay #challengedsailors #accesstoindependence #adaptmovement #baads #captainryancraft #sdpva #footloosedisabledsailing #californiainclusivesailing #sailing #adaptivesports #coronadoyachtclub #sandiegolife #martin16 #hansa #challengedsailorssandiego #thelog #portofsandiego #steeringthecourse #sailability #pointlomayachtclub #somersetsails #wwp #woundedwarriors