Monday, November 29, 2021

November 30th, tomorrow, is @Giving Tuesday!

PLEASE DONATE NOW - WWW.CHALLENGEDSAILORS.ORG @GivingTuesday, the year's coolest day to donate, is November 30th! Help Challenged Sailors in raising $25,000 to fund therapeutic and recreational sailing programs, operations and maintenance for our wonderful challenged sailors and supportive volunteers for the next year. Put a few $ aside right now so you can join our movement and encourage your friends to chip in as well.

Paypal Donation Link:

#GivingTuesday #adaptivesailing #sailingsandiegobay #challengedsailors #accesstoindependence #adaptmovement #baads #captainryancraft #sdpva #footloosedisabledsailing #californiainclusivesailing #sailing #adaptivesports #coronadoyachtclub #sandiegolife #martin16 #hansa #challengedsailorssandiego #thelog #portofsandiego #steeringthecourse #sailability #pointlomayachtclub #somersetsails #wwp #woundedwarriors

Saturday, November 20, 2021

SDAYC Alonzo de Jessop Award - Jamie McArthur recognized for his work with area clubs and sailing.

"This is about Challenged Sailors San Diego and Coronado Yacht Club a lot of people working together for a better purpose. Thank you to all. However, this not about me, it’s about US at CSSD.

🤗" - Jamie McArthur. Let Jamie know if you would like to join him December 9 at the CCYC for this special recognition.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Challenged Sailors cook at Coronado Yacht Club!

Monday Night Football dinner at Coronado Yacht Club by Challenged Sailors San Diego. Great time Monday night.  Who knew potatoes and broccoli were so hot. Thanks to Steve & Renee, Mike, Anna, Beth, Jayne, Craig, Steve and Jennifer, Eric and Fritha, Dani, Daniel, Phyllis and Jamie. It was a success!

Thank You Coronado Yacht Club for all your support for the Mid-Winters, KMAC and Challenged Sailors everywhere!