Monday, October 11, 2021

CSSD Volunteers Needed for Monday Night Football @ Coronado Yacht Club

Passing along a message from Jamie McArthur:

 πŸˆπŸˆNOVEMBER 15th is the MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL at Coronado Yacht Club🏈🏈

 5-8 volunteers to cook, serve (buffet) , the club provides a dishwasher🌝

We decide the menus. Anything goes with a budget of about 350$. Enough to serve 50-60 people. Meal served at halftime. The club charges 7$ a head. Volunteers eat free. Bar is open. My tab is open(  be Kind πŸ™πŸ»)
Depending on the amount of preparation time show up at 1700. Gone after serving.

So I need menu suggestions. I’ll shop at the base or Costco. I will also do my world famous double baked  potatoes.πŸ†

Please contact Jamie DIRECTLY and let him know:

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

CSSD Is Looking for a Fundraising Volunteer for the 2022 KMAC

KMAC '22 is coming up quickly. CSSD is looking for a fundraising volunteer to direct efforts and make this year's KMAC challenge the biggest and best ever! Can you do it? Do you have the will and desire to make a difference? 
Read the following article to see what can be done. 

Contact CSSD at or call 760-690-6594.