Thursday, February 25, 2021

CSSD @ CorYC Midwinter Itinerary

Below is the itinerary for the Mid-Winters Regatta this weekend.


10:00 am – Skipper/Volunteer meeting (please be on time).

10:30/11:00 am – Head to the docks for boat rigging.  At this point, you can get out on the water for some practice.

12:00 pm – First Race

3:00 pm – Back to the docks


10:00 am – Skipper/Volunteer meeting (please be on time).

10:30/11:00 am – Head to the docks for boat rigging.  At this point, you can get out on the water for some practice.

12:00 pm – First Race

3:00 pm – Back to the docks

3:30/4:00 pm – Awards

 -The above start times are estimates, based on circumstances that may arise.

-Please be flexible.

-Wear your mask.

-Keep physically distance when possible.


People with disabilities may park in the large lot.  All others will be required to park on the street or in the smaller west lot.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

KMAC VI 2021 (23-35 Apr) Registration Now Open

It is time to register for the sixth annual Kyle McArthur Memorial regatta. The regatta will be held on April 23 through the 25th at Coronado Yacht Club. We will be using some Covid precautions, sanitizing, masking, and social distancing when possible.

To register, please go to:
We look forward to seeing everyone at the regatta.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Wednesday, February 3, 2021



CSSD currently has Power Assist Units which are falling apart.  Repairs and purchase of new PAUs are costly.

One of our fantastic CSSD Volunteers, Bill Gross, has put up a Go Fund Me page.  The GFM is targeted to raise money for a new Power Assist Unit.  For those of you unfamiliar with a PAU, it is a unit attached to the sails and steering of a sailboat, allowing a sailor without the capability to steer and trim to control  the sails on their own.  This PAU system is a valuable asset for those people without upper body, arm or hand use, giving them the freedom we all enjoy when sailing on our beautiful bay.

If you wish to contribute, please go to

Be sure to share with family, friends or anyone or business you know.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Challenged Sailors San Diego COVID Status Update

Challenged Sailors San Diego (CSSD) will have a soft reopening of operations beginning February 12, 2021, closely following state, county, and port COVID-19 guidelines. We will also be participating in a limited "faux" Midwinter Regatta February 27-28. CSSD will continue to follow protocols for temperature, disease symptoms, carrier contacts, masking, and social distancing. Please contact the CSSD scheduler as necessary.