Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Challenged Sailors 2020-21 Winter Season Paused

In support of the spirit and intent of the CA Stay at Home orders, Challenged Sailors San Diego has decided to pause operations immediately.

The CSSD board has had many discussions about San Diego region being escalated to the COVID-19 purple tier and we have decided to cancel sailing for the month of January. Our greatest concern is for the health and safety of our sailors and volunteers. We will monitor the County public health department as well as adhere to CA directives.   

To be informed of the latest updates and when you can sign up to sail,  please check our CSSD website and Facebook. Thank you all for understanding during these challenging times. We look forward to seeing you all soon. Stay safe, healthy and happy.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

US Sailing Strategic Plan 2021-2024

Alignment and Support:
