Thursday, April 30, 2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Racing Rules Webinars

The RYA webinar referenced in this announcement sounds like an excellent opportunity for CSSD sailors and volunteers who are interested in racing. There will be six one-hour presentations. This is an excellent opportunity for dock-bound sailors to keep their Topsiders virtually wet. Starts tomorrow, Wednesday, April 29th through June 3rd,  for one hour. 

Rules of Racing Webinars

Friday, April 24, 2020

Jimbo's Donates Wooden Nickels to CSSD!

Thank you to Jimbo's for the generous donation of $950, provided through Jimbo's Wooden Nickel program. This represents over 19,000 Jimbo's customers who donated their nickels to CSSD during the first quarter of 2020.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Clagett Regatta Rescheduled to September

The C. Thomas Clagett, Jr. Memorial Clinic and Regatta dates for the 18th Clagett Regatta are being rescheduled from June 16-21 to September 1-6, 2020. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Cabin Fever? Try Virtual Sailing!

Try this simple relaxing virtual sailing game. All you need is a PC, keyboard, and Internet access. Free to play!

Explore Akalana Islands, an idyllic Caribbean location offering sunset sailing around bays and open seas. Learn the basics of sailing, including steering and speed management (how to sail upwind and downwind ).

Beginners friendly! No prior experience required!